Fast-acting milk pizza dough with dry yeast
Calorie content
387 kcal
6 port.
Cooking time
35 minutes
Proteins *
11.8 g
Fats *
7.1 gr.
78.2 g
Delicious dough in pizza plays almost the first role. If the base is soft, with a golden brown crust and well balanced in taste, it sets the mood for the whole product and favorably sets off any filling. Someone prefers a porous and airy dough, someone likes more textured and dense bases, but for any option one thing is true - the product needs to be conveniently nibbled and easy to chew. Yeast dough perfectly fits these criteria - it is perfect both in taste and texture.
Cooking process
Roll the dough into a ball, stir it into a bowl and send it to a warm place to rise. It is convenient to use an oven preheated to 40 degrees for this or a multicooker with the appropriate mode. The rise time of the dough is approximately an hour. During this time, the volume of the mass should increase by one and a half to two times.
Bon Appetit!