Dry yeast pizza dough with honey
Calorie content
278.6 kcal
4 port.
Cooking time
20 minutes.
Proteins *
18.5 g
Fats *
19 gr.
71 gr.
Interestingly, pizza dough can be made with honey. This savory snack pastry is great with such a seemingly exclusively dessert addition. Honey in this case gives the dough not so much light notes of sweetness, but rather a special texture and consistency. And the finished product, thanks to honey, has a soft, slightly viscous crumb and a pronounced crust. When kneading, you will notice that the mass turns out to be quite tight, but after raising the dough, this will slightly adjust, and softness and elasticity will appear.
Cooking process
We heat the specified amount of water on the stove or in the microwave to a temperature of forty degrees. Add dry yeast to warm water, stir thoroughly until smooth. Pour honey into the resulting mixture, mix. If the honey is hard or too thick, it must be heated in the microwave or in a water bath to a liquid state. When added to yeast, honey should not be hot - we cool it if necessary. After the introduction of honey, let the mass stand in a warm place for fifteen to twenty minutes. Foam should appear on the surface.
Bon Appetit!