Fast acting pizza yeast dough with dry yeast on water
Calorie content
273.8 kcal
4 port.
Cooking time
35 minutes
Proteins *
10.3 g
Fats *
10.6 gr.
84.5 g
Anything in the fridge can be used as a pizza filling: leftover sausages, ham or sausages will do. A couple of tomatoes or peppers will add juiciness. Grated cheese will highlight the flavors of all ingredients and combine them into a harmonious overall taste. But it is better to have a proven dough recipe that does not fail and always gives an equally good result. The dough according to this recipe has every chance of becoming just such a proven and reliable option.
Cooking process
Pour warm water into a volumetric bowl, add dry yeast to it, the specified amount of granulated sugar and salt. With a whisk, mix everything together until smooth. We put the resulting mixture in a warm place for ten to fifteen minutes. The yeast is activated, and the fermentation process begins - foam will appear on the surface of the mass.
We introduce the remaining amount of flour and knead the dough. Its consistency will be quite soft and even sticky, reaching for hands. We knead the dough with our hands for seven to eight minutes. During this time, the mass will change its texture, become more elastic and stop sticking to the working surface.
Bon Appetit!