Strawberry jam without cooking
Calorie content
440 kcal
1 l.
Cooking time
1 d.
Proteins *
1.6 gr.
Fats *
0.8 gr.
107.5 g
Strawberry jam without cooking, prepared according to the proposed recipe, will turn out to be very fragrant, rich in color, and the berries in it will be whole. Strawberries are not cooked in this jam, but only sugar syrup is prepared. The berries are aged in syrup for one day with 4 times of syrup boiling, as a result of which the consistency of the dessert will be thick. If desired, you can grind the strawberries at the end of cooking with a blender, but with whole fragrant berries it will be tastier.
Cooking process
Peel the sepals from the strawberries. Then gently rinse the strawberries with cold water and discard in a colander so that all the water is drained. Pour water into a separate bowl, pour the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe into it and place over low heat. Stir everything well so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. The syrup should be thick.
Eat to your health!