Blackcurrant and gooseberry compote

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 162.7 kcal
Portions 6 l.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 0.9 gr.
Fats * 0.3 g
Carbohydrates* 38.8 g
Blackcurrant and gooseberry compote

Have you ever heard of such a harmonious combination as black currant and gooseberry? If not, then you are losing a lot. In particular, you lose a lot of vitamins and useful microelements that blackcurrant and gooseberry compote can give you. Don't miss the opportunity!

from your household.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
Sort the gooseberries, rinse, remove the tails. Pierce each gooseberry berry with a toothpick. Sort out black currants and rinse.
step 2 out of 5
Sterilize jars and lids for compote. Arrange the gooseberries and black currants in jars.
step 3 out of 5
To boil water. Pour it into jars of berries. Leave on for 10 minutes.
step 4 out of 5
Then drain the water from the cans into a large saucepan. Add sugar to a saucepan, put on low heat. Bring to a boil, cook until sugar is completely dissolved.
step 5 out of 5
Pour the syrup into the jars, roll them up. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and let the compote cool completely. Then you can move the blackcurrant and gooseberry compote to the basement or cellar for storage. A delicious drink for the whole family is ready!

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