Irgi compote with gooseberries for the winter
Calorie content
66.6 kcal
3 l.
Cooking time
60 minutes
Proteins *
0.2 g
Fats *
0.1 g
16.4 gr.
The washed berries are placed in a jar and filled with sugar syrup. Everything rolls up and turns upside down. Compote is wrapped in a blanket and cools. Then he goes to storage in the cellar. It turns out a very tasty and moderately sweet drink.
Cooking process
The compote jar is well washed and sterilized in a convenient way. Boil the lid in water for 10 minutes. We sort out Irga, remove twigs, leaves and rotten berries. Then we thoroughly rinse it and put it in a colander so that all the water is glass. Separate the stalks from the gooseberry and rinse as well.
Bon Appetit!