Kystyby in Tatar on kefir
Calorie content
133.7 kcal
6 port.
Cooking time
40 minutes
Proteins *
5 gr.
Fats *
3.4 gr.
21.1 gr.
This traditional Tatar dish consists of tortillas and toppings. The dough for tortillas is usually prepared on the basis of water, milk or kefir. Each variant gives its own result and differs in taste. In this recipe, we will cook kystyby on kefir. The cakes turn out to be soft and slightly porous at the break - this does not work with water or milk. The filling will be classic mashed potatoes with butter.
Cooking process
First, prepare the dough to save time: after kneading it will take twenty minutes to "rest". Pour kefir into a bowl, add soda and salt to it. Stir and start adding the pre-sifted flour. We add it in parts, gradually kneading the dough. It shouldn't be tight. At the same time, the mass should keep its shape well and be elastic. Roll the finished dough into a ball and cover with a clean towel. Leave at room temperature for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Bon Appetit!