Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style on kefir
Calorie content
173 kcal
4 port.
Cooking time
40 minutes
Proteins *
6.5 gr.
Fats *
8.3 gr.
32.3 g
The dough for kystyby tortillas is usually kneaded in milk. But in this case, we offer kefir. This slightly changes the taste of the cakes - a light delicate sourness appears. In addition, the dough after frying has a softer texture. For the filling, you can also use the mashed potatoes left over from lunch. And for the richness of the taste, be sure to add freshly fried onions to it - it gives very pleasant spicy notes to the ready-made kysytby.
Cooking process
Knead the dough: put warm kefir in a bowl. Pour salt, granulated sugar into it and mix until dissolved. After that, add the egg and well softened butter, mix with a whisk. Pour the flour previously sifted through a fine sieve in parts. Knead an elastic dough. Knead it until it stops sticking to your hands.
Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into small pieces and boil until soft in salted water with bay leaves. Then we drain the broth, discard the spices, knead the potatoes in mashed potatoes. Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes. Fry it in a little vegetable oil until golden brown. Add fried onions and salt to taste to the mashed potatoes, mix. The filling is ready.
Divide the "rested" dough into equal parts. We will roll out a cake from each. The size of the cakes should be such that they fit well in the pan. Using a rolling pin, roll out each part of the dough into a thin circle. If necessary, add more flour so that the dough does not stick during work. In order for the ready-made kystyby to look more elegant, you can walk around the circumference of the raw cakes with a zigzag wheel.
Bon Appetit!