Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style with milk

Kitchen Tatarskaya
Calorie content 209.9 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 5.6 g
Fats * 3.4 gr.
Carbohydrates* 42.6 gr.
Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style with milk

Kystyby is very popular with the Tatars. These are flat cakes fried in a dry frying pan, then stuffed with potatoes or millet porridge. We suggest preparing the first option. Knead the dough in milk without eggs. And when preparing mashed potatoes, we do not spare the butter - it will not only provide a delicate taste, but also balance the unleavened dough with the missing fat content.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 10
To prepare the dough, put warm milk in a bowl, add granulated sugar and salt to it. Stir until dissolved and begin to pour in the flour previously sifted through a fine sieve. We add it in parts, gradually kneading the dough. The final consistency should be soft, but elastic, the mass should not stick to your hands.
step 2 out of 10
Roll up a ball of kneaded dough and cover it with a bowl or towel so that the surface does not dry out. Leave the dough at room temperature for fifteen to twenty minutes.
step 3 out of 10
Form a roll from the "rested" dough and cut it into 8-12 pieces. We compact each segment and roll it into a lump.
step 4 out of 10
Roll out portions of dough with a rolling pin into thin circles. To give them a perfectly even shape, place an inverted plate on top and cut off the protruding excess dough around the circumference with a knife. The workpiece will have a perfectly round shape.
step 5 out of 10
Cut off the peel from the potato, rinse it and cut it into pieces. Boil it until tender. After cooking, strain the broth and knead in mashed potatoes. Add butter and salt to taste. You can also add your favorite spices.
step 6 out of 10
Next, pour in hot milk. Bring everything together until smooth with a hand pusher, hand blender or mixer at high speed.
step 7 out of 10
In a hot frying pan without oil, fry the dough cakes on both sides at medium-high stove temperature. This is a quick process - literally one and a half to two minutes of frying on each side. The crust will form unevenly, in the form of tubercles and individual ruddy spots.
step 8 out of 10
Put the prepared potato filling on half of the fried flatbread.
step 9 out of 10
Cover the mashed potatoes with the other half - you get a stuffed semicircle. Lubricate the surface with melted butter.
step 10 out of 10
We serve hot kystyby.

Bon Appetit!


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