Kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style with milk
Calorie content
209.9 kcal
6 port.
Cooking time
40 minutes
Proteins *
5.6 g
Fats *
3.4 gr.
42.6 gr.
Kystyby is very popular with the Tatars. These are flat cakes fried in a dry frying pan, then stuffed with potatoes or millet porridge. We suggest preparing the first option. Knead the dough in milk without eggs. And when preparing mashed potatoes, we do not spare the butter - it will not only provide a delicate taste, but also balance the unleavened dough with the missing fat content.
Cooking process
To prepare the dough, put warm milk in a bowl, add granulated sugar and salt to it. Stir until dissolved and begin to pour in the flour previously sifted through a fine sieve. We add it in parts, gradually kneading the dough. The final consistency should be soft, but elastic, the mass should not stick to your hands.
Bon Appetit!