Kystyby fried in a pan with potatoes
Calorie content
182.6 kcal
4 port.
Cooking time
40 minutes
Proteins *
6.5 gr.
Fats *
5.3 gr.
32.4 g
Kystyby is a fried flat cake made from unleavened dough and stuffed with mashed potatoes or millet. The dish belongs to Tatar cuisine, however, it found a wide response in our realities. Yesterday's mashed potatoes are also suitable for the filling, it is not necessary to cook fresh. To add a bright flavorful accent, put fried onions in the puree. Kystyby is good as a snack - it provides satiety for a long time.
Cooking process
Pour in the sifted flour and knead the dough: first with a spoon, then with your hands. Knead the mass until it stops sticking to the hands and surface. You may need a little more or less flour than indicated in the recipe - it depends on the characteristics of a particular product. Roll the finished dough into a smooth ball, cover with a clean towel and set aside at room temperature for thirty to forty minutes.
Bon Appetit!