Mannik on kefir with cocoa

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 229.8 kcal
Portions 8 port.
Cooking time 35 minutes
Proteins * 8.1 gr.
Fats * 4.6 gr.
Carbohydrates* 46.4 g
Mannik on kefir with cocoa

Mannik on kefir is a traditional dessert. Each housewife has her own recipe. I want to offer a simple recipe for manna with yogurt with cocoa. The pie turns out to be very tasty and is eaten in a matter of minutes.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 23
Pour semolina into a deep bowl, stir well and fill with kefir to swell.
step 2 out of 23
Set aside for 30 minutes.
step 3 out of 23
Break eggs into a deep container, add granulated sugar.
step 4 out of 23
Begin to beat with a mixer at low speed, gradually increasing the speed.
step 5 out of 23
Pour the egg mass into the swollen semolina.
step 6 out of 23
Mix thoroughly.
step 7 out of 23
Divide the semolina dough in half. Sift 90 grams of flour into one half, along with half of the baking powder and vanilla sugar.
step 8 out of 23
Stir well until the lumps disappear completely.
step 9 out of 23
In the second half of the semolina dough, sift 75 grams of flour with the remaining baking powder and cocoa powder through a sieve.
step 10 out of 23
Stir the dough well until the lumps disappear completely.
step 11 out of 23
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease the prepared baking dish with a small amount of oil (if the mold is silicone, you do not need to grease it) or cover it with parchment. Lay out the chocolate dough gently and smooth with a silicone spatula.
step 12 out of 23
Pour the vanilla dough over the chocolate dough, gently leveling.
step 13 out of 23
Place the manna in a well-heated oven for 35 minutes. Bake at 200 degrees. Check readiness with a wooden skewer.
step 14 out of 23
Let the cake cool, remove from the mold.
step 15 out of 23
Cool the manna.
step 16 out of 23
Transfer the pie to a platter.
step 17 out of 23
Prepare the icing. Pour cocoa powder and granulated sugar into a bowl.
step 18 out of 23
Pour in hot water.
step 19 out of 23
Stir well until the lumps disappear completely.
step 20 out of 23
Place the bowl in a water bath, heat the mixture, add butter.
step 21 out of 23
Heat the frosting until the butter is completely dissolved.
step 22 out of 23
Remove the frosting from the water bath and pour the manna over it immediately.
step 23 out of 23
Cut the mannik into portions.

The mannik turns out to be very delicate with a rich chocolate taste.Brew aromatic coffee and enjoy a wonderful dessert! Such a manna can be prepared for any occasion.

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