Okroshka on sour cream with chicken

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 97.5 kcal
Portions 6 port.
Cooking time 40 minutes
Proteins * 7.1 gr.
Fats * 5.5 gr.
Carbohydrates* 5.3 gr.
Okroshka on sour cream with chicken

You can quickly and tasty cook cool okroshka with sour cream. Chicken meat will make the dish filling and suitable for lunch, while fresh herbs will add the necessary enticing flavor.



Cooking process

step 1 out of 7
Boil the necessary ingredients in advance: chicken, eggs and potatoes. Let us cool them down, then start cutting. Grind a fresh cucumber into cubes.
step 2 out of 7
Cut the chicken into medium slices.
step 3 out of 7
We also cut boiled potatoes into medium-sized pieces.
step 4 out of 7
We crush the boiled eggs and put them together with other products in a saucepan.
step 5 out of 7
Chop the onion and dill, add to the chopped one.
step 6 out of 7
Salt to taste and mix thoroughly.
step 7 out of 7
Put the okroshka base on plates. Add sour cream in portions and dilute with water. Bon Appetit!

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