Easter cake without yeast - 5 simple and delicious recipes with photos step by step
Yeast-free Easter cake is a quick and convenient way to prepare a festive treat for your table. The recipes for traditional Easter buns are quite complex, and the culinary process itself is quite laborious, long and troublesome. That is why many housewives prefer to buy a ready-made bakery product in a store rather than bake at home on their own. We suggest you try to cook Easter cakes according to our very simple recipes and make sure that baking this delicacy can be quite interesting and quick, and even beginners can master it. The beautiful result is not inferior to the classic Easter bread, either in taste or in appearance.
Quick italian Easter cake without yeast
An excellent recipe for those who do not have enough time to bake Easter cake, but do not want to buy a store-bought one. There is no yeast in the Easter bun, which speeds up the culinary process. Quite an unusual variation of the well-known Easter cake will amaze you with its exquisite taste, unforgettable aroma and ease of preparation! You no longer have to store Easter cakes for several days, because this one is eaten instantly!
Advice: if desired, cognac can be omitted.
Cooking process
Tip: if desired, you can simply sprinkle the cakes with powdered sugar.
The Italian Easter cake was prepared quickly and easily! Happy Easter and bon appetit!
Delicious kulich without yeast on sour cream

If you don't use yeast in your diet or just don't like to tinker with such a dough, then this recipe is just for you. It is believed that the most delicious cakes are made with this ingredient, but our cooking method will prove that aromatic, beautiful, healthy and incredibly tasty pastries can be obtained without it. A delicacy prepared on the basis of sour cream is baked in a matter of minutes and will not keep you waiting for a long time.
- Eggs - 3 pcs.
- Flour - 200 g.
- Sour cream - 200 ml.
- Butter - 80 g.
- Sugar - 150 g.
- Baking dough - 1.5 tsp.
- Raisins - 50 g.
- Lemon - 1 pc.
- Dried cherries - 30 g.
- Soda - 1 pinch.
- Salt - 1 pinch
- Ground cinnamon - ¼ tsp
- Ground cardamom - ¼ tsp
- Ground ginger - ¼ tsp
- Ground turmeric - ¼ tsp
- Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.
- Candied fruits to taste.
- Nuts to taste.
Cooking method:
- We wash the raisins well under running water and fill it with boiled water. We take out the butter from the refrigerator in advance, as it should be at room temperature.
- Transfer the softened butter to a separate bowl and add sugar to it. Beat the ingredients with a mixer for a minute and a half at low speed, until we get a cream-like mass.
- We break the eggs and add one at a time to the prepared mass, beating it again for 1-1.5 minutes after each piece. As a result, we should get a delicate mass.
- Next, we spread the required amount of sour cream and turn on the kitchen appliances again, bringing the dough to a homogeneous state.
- Sift 2/3 of the flour into a separate container using a fine sieve or a special glass. Add baking soda, loosen, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and turmeric, then mix all dry ingredients.
- Add candied fruits, dried cherries and dried raisins to the dry mixture, which should be sprinkled with a little flour. We remove the zest from the washed lemon, grind it in a blender and also send it to the dough, like the nuts that we grinded in a mortar beforehand. Mix the dough again and look at its consistency, adding a little flour if necessary. The base for the cake should look like liquid sour cream.
- Grease the forms in which the cakes will be baked with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs so that the baked goods do not burn. We fill 2/3 of the container with dough, leaving a little space where the cake will rise.
Advice: if you are using new silicone or paper molds, you do not need to lubricate them. Also, do not make the layer of dough high, as the cakes may not bake well.
- We heat the oven to 170-180 C and bake the cakes for about 60 minutes.
Tip: start checking the baked goods at 35-45 minutes, as the cooking time depends on the power of the oven. To ensure that the cakes do not burn for sure, place a container of cold water on the lower level or place the molds on a baking sheet.
- After the time has elapsed, we take out the cakes from the oven and leave them for a while so that they cool down. Then carefully remove the baked goods from the mold and send them to the wire rack to cool completely.
Easter cakes can be decorated in different ways: icing, icing sugar, cherries, candied fruits or nuts. Soft, airy and delicious treats are ready for the holiday! Eat with pleasure and pleasure! Christ is Risen!
Kulich without yeast in an hour and a half

A huge plus of such a cake, undoubtedly, is its speed of preparation. Here you do not need to cook dough, wait for the dough to rise, and most importantly, such cakes always turn out. This Easter treat includes corn flour. Its advantage lies in the fact that it makes the bun crumbly, fluffy, incredibly tasty and rich in bright color. Moreover, such a cake is perfectly stored for a week, however, believe me, it will not stay with you for a long time!
- Corn flour - 250 g.
- Wheat flour - 200 g.
- Butter - 300 g.
- Eggs - 6 pcs.
- Cream - 200 g.
- Powdered sugar - 200 g.
- Baking powder - 20 g.
- Vanillin - 2 g.
- Orange - 1 pc.
- Candied fruits - 200 g.
- Raisins - 100 g.
- Salt - 1 pinch
Cooking method:
- To quickly prepare an Easter cake, you need to get the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and soften it at room temperature. We also wash the orange in advance, remove the zest from it and grind it in a blender.
- We break the required number of eggs and carefully divide them into whites and yolks, carefully distributing the components in different containers.
- Transfer the softened butter to the mixer bowl and beat until it brightens in color and becomes airy.
- Without turning off the technique, add powdered sugar in small portions and continue to beat.
- Next, we send the yolks, adding them one at a time.
- When the whipped mass becomes homogeneous, add orange zest and juice. We continue to stir the dough.
- Sift corn and wheat flour into a separate bowl using a fine sieve or a special glass. Mix dry ingredients and then add baking powder with vanilla. Sift the entire crumbly mixture again to saturate it with oxygen.
- Pour the dry mixture into the total mass and stir the dough with an ordinary silicone spatula. If desired, you can turn on the lowest speed of the mixer.
- Continuing to knead the dough, pour the cream into it in a thin stream.
- Put candied fruits and raisins into the almost finished dough, which must be rinsed and dried in advance. Stir the dried fruits into the dough, evenly distributing them throughout the mass.
- Add a little salt to the remaining proteins and beat them at a high mixer speed until stable peaks appear.
- Gently add the whipped proteins to the dough and stir the mass with a spatula from bottom to top, trying not to disturb the airy consistency.
- Prepare baking dishes, grease them generously with butter and fill them with dough, leaving 1/3 part so that the cakes can still grow.
- We preheat the oven to 180 C and bake the cakes for about 60 minutes, choosing the "top-bottom" mode.
Advice: if you use the "convection" mode, then the temperature must be reduced by 10-15 C. The cooking time depends on the volume of the molds and the power of the oven, so it is better to independently check them for readiness with a toothpick or wooden skewer.
- After the time has elapsed, we take out the forms and let the cakes cool completely. Then we carefully take it out of the containers.
Advice: if you use paper forms, then it is better not to get the cakes from them. So, you will keep them fresh for much longer.
Decorate the cooled cakes with your favorite icing, various powders, or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar. Eat to your health and with appetite! Happy Easter!
Easter cake with milk and butter without yeast

It turns out that not everyone loves Easter cake, as they consider it insipid and tasteless. It's all about how to cook it. The holiday treat prepared according to this recipe cannot but please! Because of the cardamom, it turns out to be so fragrant that the whole family comes to the kitchen to smell it. Raisins, which are soaked in cognac in advance, give a special charm to baked goods and make them even tastier and more unusual.
- Flour - 350 g.
- Milk - 200 ml.
- Sugar - 150 g.
- Butter - 125 g.
- Eggs - 5 pcs.
- Baking powder - 2 tsp
- Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
- Salt - ½ tsp
- Cardamom - ½ tsp
- Raisins - 80 g.
- Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
- First, fill in the raisins with cognac and mix well with the drink. Let the dried fruits stand for a while so that they are saturated with liquid. Thanks to alcohol, the cake will turn out to be very lush.
- Sift the flour into a separate bowl using a fine sieve or a special glass. Add baking powder, vanilla sugar, cardamom and salt to it. Mix the dry mixture thoroughly.
- We break the eggs and carefully separate the yolks from the whites, being careful not to get foreign particles into the latter. Pour a little salt into the proteins and beat them until a lush foam is formed using a mixer. The yolks, in turn, should also be whipped, adding the required amount of sugar to them.
- When the mass of yolks becomes lighter and viscous, add softened butter to them, which we took out of the refrigerator in advance.
- When the raisins are saturated with alcohol, dry the dried fruits with paper towels and sprinkle them with one tablespoon of flour, then add them to a container with yolks and butter. Mix gently, trying to distribute the raisins evenly throughout the mass.
- Add a third of the flour mixture to the same container and stir the dough again with a silicone spatula.
- Next, pour out the milk and mix thoroughly again.
- Take half of the remaining dry mixture and add it to the bulk, mixing well.
- Now let's move on to the beaten egg whites. We transfer half of the snow-white mass to the dough, stir, then add the remaining flour with spices, stir again, and then add the remaining proteins. Stir very carefully so as not to disturb the airy consistency of the dough. As a result, we should get a liquid cake base.
- We prepare the forms in which the cakes will be cooked, and grease them with oil, if they are not silicone or paper. We fill them with dough, but not to the end, since the cakes will still rise when baking.
- We preheat the oven to 180 C and put Easter buns in it for 40-60 minutes. After the time has elapsed, we check the baking for readiness using a dry wooden stick. If the dough does not stick to its base, you can take out the molds.
After the forms are outside, let the cakes cool completely, and then decorate them to your liking, carefully removing them from the container. A fragrant and delicious Easter dessert prepared quickly and easily! Hearty meal and bon appetit!
Sourdough cakes without yeast

Kulich cooked with sourdough is an old Russian treat that the hostesses prepared for the Holy Feast of Easter. An ingredient not commonly used gives baked goods an amazing taste, making them light and airy. A treat that contains sourdough can remain as fresh and tasty as after the oven, even after a long time.
For the test:
- Flour - 15 tbsp.
- Milk - 3 tbsp.
- Eggs - 10 pcs.
- Sugar - 500 g.
- Cognac - 1 tbsp.
- Candied fruits - 4 tbsp. l.
- Orange peel - 150 g.
- Butter - 1 pack.
- Vanilla - 50 g.
- Salt - 20 g.
For starter culture:
- Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
- Water - 0.5 tbsp.
Cooking method:
- Before proceeding with the preparation of the cake, you need to make the sourdough. To do this, take flour and add water to it. Stir until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Then we cover the dishes with a clean towel and send them to a warm place for one day. During this time, the starter culture will need to be mixed 4 times. After the time has elapsed, add the same amount of flour and pour in the same amount of water, stir well and leave for another 1 day. As in the first time, stir the leaven from time to time. When the time is right, we add flour and water one more time, and then we repeat the actions already familiar to us.
- When the sourdough is ready, you can proceed to making the dough. To do this, you need to boil the milk, and then put it in the refrigerator. Add the cooled ingredient to the ready-made sourdough, mix well and add a little less than a kilogram of flour. Mix thoroughly and send to a warm place for 3 hours. As a result, we should get a loose dough.
- While the dough is coming up, take the softened butter and transfer it to a deep bowl. Beat with a mixer until it turns white.
- Without turning off the technique, add egg yolks, which should be separated from the whites in advance.
- Pour in the required amount of vanilla and continue to mix the mass with a mixer.
- We wash the orange under running water, and then remove the zest from it using a special knife. We pass it through a fine grater or grind it in a blender and pour the resulting crumb into the mass with yolks.
- After the time has elapsed, pour the cognac into the finished dough, mix well and transfer the resulting mass to a container with yolks and butter. Let's start kneading the dough. We knead it with our hands until it stops sticking to them.
- Beat the remaining proteins with a mixer until a dense mass is formed and add to the main dough.
- Pour candied fruits into the dough, distribute them, stirring the dough, over the bulk, then cover it with a kitchen towel and leave for an hour and a half.
- We prepare the forms in which the cakes will be cooked. Lubricate them with oil and fill them with ready-made dough, leaving space at the top.
- We heat the oven to 180 C and bake the cakes for about 20 minutes, after which we let them cool completely.
- We decorate the cooled Easter cakes with your favorite icing and confectionery sprinkles.
Tip: The icing can be made from half a glass of powdered sugar, a little milk and water, which must be poured in in stages. Grind the ingredients until the consistency becomes uniform.
An old Russian Easter cake without yeast is ready! Bon appetit and happy holiday!