Strawberry jam with agar-agar
Calorie content
286 kcal
1 l.
Cooking time
25 minutes
Proteins *
1 gr.
Fats *
0.5 gr.
69.9 g
Jam is actively used to accompany pancakes, toasts, pancakes, as well as to fill pies, layering cakes, etc. Its uniform consistency is convenient and allows full use of berries and syrup. To make the jam thick, add agar-agar.
Cooking process
Rinse the strawberries thoroughly in cool water, remove the sepals. Place the washed berries on a clean towel and let the excess moisture dry after rinsing. Place the prepared berries in a clean deep cooking bowl. Puree the strawberries with the hand blender. You can leave some of the berries partially chopped so that the jam has a certain texture and is not homogeneous. It's a matter of taste.
In parallel, in a separate container, mix agar-agar and water. We set aside until the moment of demand. Put the dishes with the strawberry puree on the stove and bring it to a boil. Cook for three minutes. After that, add the soaked agar-agar, stirring it well again before that. After adding, mix and cook for another fifteen to twenty minutes. Done - can be removed from the stove.
Bon Appetit!