Christmas muffin with dried fruits and nuts
Calorie content
256 kcal
6 port.
Cooking time
70 minutes
Proteins *
8 gr.
Fats *
15.7 g
30.3 g
This recipe is like a holiday itself - amazing and magical! A Christmas cake with all kinds of nuts and dried fruits will be a great addition to the festive table. The recipe itself is unusual and at the same time easy to prepare. As you read the recipe, note that some prep work will be required.
Cooking process
Let's move on to preparing the nuts. Pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 10 minutes. This will help to easily remove the skin. If after this procedure it is still difficult to remove it, repeat the manipulation with boiling water. Place the hazelnuts on a hot frying pan, after which we free it from the skin. Preparing the cashews for the muffin is also simple - you need to hold it in a skillet until it cracks, flavor, and lightly fried barrels.
The preparatory work has been completed. Let's start baking the cake. We turn on the oven and heat it up to 150 ° C. For baking, you can use a metal cake pan, having previously greased it with oil or using special baking paper. It is also convenient to use a silicone mold, it does not require either paper or oil. Place the muffin dough in the pan and place in the oven.
Enjoy your tea!