Pumpkin and carrot juice with pulp for the winter
Eastern European
Calorie content
45.6 kcal
4 p.
Cooking time
80 minutes
Proteins *
0.3 g
Fats *
11.1 gr.
I strongly recommend all lovers of homemade juices to use this simple recipe and make pumpkin and carrot juice with pulp for the winter. This recipe is for anyone who doesn't have a juicer.
Cooking process
Wash the carrots and pumpkin thoroughly under cool running water, dry, and then peel them using a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife. For juice, it is best to choose juicy and young vegetables. Cut the peeled vegetables into small pieces, then place in a deep container with a thick bottom and cover with cold water so that it completely covers the vegetables.
Put a saucepan with vegetables on low heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and cook the vegetables for about 30-35 minutes, periodically skimming off the foam. Then add the required amount of granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. The amount of granulated sugar can be adjusted according to your own taste preferences and depending on the sweetness of the vegetables.
Carefully remove the hot container with the contents from the heat. Use a hand blender to chop the boiled vegetables. If it seems to you that the consistency of the juice is too thick, add a little drinking water to the resulting vegetable puree, put it back on the fire and bring to a boil. Wash the jars thoroughly in warm water, and then sterilize in a water bath or microwave.
Enjoy a healthy drink!