Strawberry jam with thickener

Kitchen Russian
Calorie content 240.5 kcal
Portions 2 port.
Cooking time 4 h
Proteins * 1.8 gr.
Fats * 0.5 gr.
Carbohydrates* 66.9 gr.
Strawberry jam with thickener

Who can refuse fresh crispy toast with strawberry jam and a cup of aromatic hot tea? Personally, we are not. Therefore, today we will be preparing a fragrant strawberry jam with the addition of citric acid, which will give the jam a slight pleasant sourness, as well as gelatin, which will add a denser consistency to our jam. So let's get down to cooking!


Cooking process

step 1 out of 7
We have selected ripe sweet strawberries for making the jam. We rinse it in a colander under running water, remove the sepals and lay it out on a towel so that it dries a little. Then we cut the strawberries in half so that they release the juice faster, and send them to a saucepan with a thick bottom.
step 2 out of 7
Fill the chopped strawberries with sugar and leave for 1-2 hours.
step 3 out of 7
After the time has elapsed, the strawberries have released juice, and the sugar has dissolved. Mash the strawberries a little with a wooden crush.
step 4 out of 7
Put the saucepan with strawberries on medium heat, bring the mass to a boil, remove the resulting foam. Leave the jam to boil for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat. Let the strawberry jam cool for 15-20 minutes.
step 5 out of 7
Then again put on medium heat, bring to a boil, let it simmer for 3-4 minutes and remove from heat. Thus, we boil the jam in 5 approaches.
step 6 out of 7
Before putting the jam on the stove for the last time, pick up 2 tablespoons of syrup with a wooden spoon, add gelatin to it and stir well. After the jam boils, add the gelatin swollen in warm syrup to it, stir well so that the gelatin is evenly distributed throughout the jam. Cook for 2-3 minutes and remove the jam from heat.
step 7 out of 7
We lay out the hot jam in sterilized jars and leave a little jam for a treat. Close the jars tightly with boiled lids and leave at room temperature until they cool completely. Then we remove the jam for storage in a dark, cool place. With the remaining jam, we make a couple of sandwiches, spread it on fresh bread, and invite everyone to a tea party. Bon Appetit!

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