Strawberry jam with gelatin and citric acid
Calorie content
212.3 kcal
1 l.
Cooking time
30 minutes.
Proteins *
1.8 gr.
Fats *
0.5 gr.
46.9 g
Universal strawberry jam - it can be used as a dessert and is well suited to accompany various dishes. The consistency of the jam turns out to be homogeneous and rather thick, since we add gelatin during the cooking process. And the bright color will be preserved thanks to citric acid.
Cooking process
Soak gelatin in a separate bowl in a minimum amount of water (to cover the granules). When the gelatin swells (after fifteen to twenty minutes), put it in the already slightly cooled puree, mix. Put the jam on the stove again and bring it almost to a boil. At the last moment, add citric acid, stir and remove the jam from the stove.
Bon Appetit!