Wild strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Kitchen World
Calorie content 220 kcal
Portions 10 port.
Cooking time 110 minutes
Proteins * 0.8 gr.
Fats * 0.4 gr.
Carbohydrates* 53.8 g
Wild strawberry jam in a slow cooker

In the summer, I cook strawberry jam only in a slow cooker, for me this is a simple and convenient way. And jam cooked in an electric appliance, in my opinion, turns out to be tastier and more aromatic than strawberry jam cooked on the stove. I usually use wild strawberries, but garden strawberries are fine too.


Cooking process

step 1 out of 5
Prepare jars, wash thoroughly and sterilize in a multicooker. Pour a liter of water into the bowl of the appliance, install the steam grid and place the jars upside down in it. Set the "Steam cooking" mode, the time is 30 minutes. I used to sterilize jars in the microwave or oven.
step 2 out of 5
Pour boiling water over the lids. Jars and lids must be dry.
step 3 out of 5
Sort the strawberries, put in a sieve, rinse thoroughly and let the excess liquid drain. Put the strawberries in the multicooker bowl, add 100 milliliters of drinking water and cover with granulated sugar, mix thoroughly with a silicone spatula. Close the instrument cover. Set the "Extinguishing" mode on the panel, time - 1 hour. Open the lid after half an hour.
step 4 out of 5
Remove the foam, then close the lid and cook until the end of the program. After the beep, open the lid and leave for 3-5 minutes.
step 5 out of 5
Using a plastic ladle, pour the hot jam into sterile jars, screw the lids on and turn upside down. Leave to cool completely and then transfer them to a cool place for storage.


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