Cherry Jam with Agar Agar
To make cherry jam, you need to use thickeners, since the berry itself contains a minimum amount of natural pectin. This recipe uses agar agar. Jam based on it turns out to be thick and very tasty.
Product 100g | Kcal | Protein | Fats | Carbohydrates |
Cherry | 52 | 0.8 | 0.2 | 10.6 |
Granulated sugar | 399 | 0 | 0 | 100 |
Pectin | 155 | 1 | 1 | 35 |
Cherries | 52 | 1.1 | 0.4 | 10.6 |
One of the useful and tasty preparations for the winter is cherry jam. It is prepared with and without seeds. To obtain a bright, unusual taste, mint is added, cherry tree leaves are used for a greater aroma. In addition to the classic recipe, there are several options for quickly preparing a sweet dessert. If desired, add hazelnuts, lime juice, lemon zest, cocoa powder, cinnamon, pectin or gelatin to the cherries. In each case, it is necessary to correctly select berries and other ingredients and strictly adhere to the technology of preparing a sweet product for tea.
For jam, ripe, juicy fruits are needed. They need to be sorted out in advance. Withered, spoiled berries, stalks with leaves are removed. Clean washed cherries are placed in a saucepan or large bowl, poured with boiling water. Such a procedure is necessary so that in the future the berries absorb the syrup better. Housewives also leave the washed and peeled fruit in salt water for 1-2 hours. This is how the worms come out of the berries.
Usually, making a cherry treat requires the same amount of berries and sugar by weight. The fruits are mostly sour, so it is recommended to slightly increase the proportion of granulated sugar. Such a ratio of products ensures a long shelf life, and also helps to feel the sweetness of the finished product, to feel its aroma.
Advice. If pitted cherries are used for dessert, then you will need more granulated sugar than for pitted jam. This is because the bones absorb some of the sweetness into themselves.
The jam is prepared in small glass jars. Pre-containers and suitable iron lids are sterilized. For this purpose, a clean jar is poured over with boiling water from all sides, turned upside down on a tray. The lids are boiled in hot water for 10 minutes. For cooking cherries, a large container is selected - a saucepan or a basin. In it, the fruit will cook for a long time and will not stick to the bottom with periodic stirring of the dessert.
This method is time consuming. Therefore, cherries are cooked in the evening. Layers of fruit and granulated sugar in an enamel basin, leave overnight. In the morning, the cooking process begins, since the cherries have released enough juice by this time. The dessert is cooked over low heat with occasional stirring. After boiling, count down 5 minutes and remove the basin with the contents to the side. After 3-4 hours, the procedure is repeated.
There can be 3-6 jams in total. The number of cycles depends on the preferences of the hostess and household members. The more the dessert is cooked, the thicker it will be. The jam is poured hot into prepared jars, covered with lids and left warm for a day.
Advice. To give the dessert a bright, unusual aroma in the last cooking cycle, add lemon zest, you can cinnamon, cardamom or orange. The last time a sweet dessert is boiled for 15 minutes. Cherry jam takes on a rich and chocolatey flavor with the addition of cocoa. For a pound of berries, 2 tablespoons of powder are enough. It is poured into the container at the last stage of cooking 10-15 minutes before removing the dessert from the heat.
According to the proposed version of winter harvesting, the syrup is boiled first. Fill an enamel basin or pan with running water, add sugar, mix well and put on a gas burner. Cherries are carefully dipped into boiling syrup and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then the hot treat is poured into jars, wrapped in a blanket, and left for 24 hours.
Advice. Foam appears during the cooking process. It must be removed with a slotted spoon, otherwise, during long-term storage of such a jam, the foam can cause fermentation, damage to the finished product.
No less quick is the option of making cherries in your own juice. Such a delicacy turns out to be moderately sweet, but more useful, since fruits for the most part retain their vitamins. Initially, the seeds are removed from the cherries, the fruits are put in a sterilized jar, covered with sugar and covered with a lid. The container with the contents is placed in a bowl of warm water. It is brought to a boil. This is how the jars of jam are sterilized for 15 minutes, after which they are rolled up.
You can quickly make jam with the addition of mint. Cherries are put in a prepared pan, they are covered with sugar on top and the whole mass is left for half an hour. After that, the container with berries is sent to a slow fire, brought to a boil. Then add mint and cook for 10 minutes. The saucepan is removed from the heat and left for 3-4 hours aside. Then they begin to cook the dessert again within 15-20 minutes, in a hot state they pour it into jars, roll them up.