Hot salting of milk mushrooms in glass jars
Eastern European
Calorie content
15.5 kcal
1 l.
Cooking time
60 minutes
Proteins *
1.3 gr.
Fats *
0.8 gr.
1.8 gr.
Milk mushrooms are usually salted in an enamel pot or in jars. The latter, of course, are more convenient for storage and are available for everyone who is at least a little interested in preparations for the winter. Hot salting is carried out using a heated marinade, into which pre-processed mushrooms must be immersed. The entire sequence of actions is clearly outlined in the recipe. Even if you have never pickled milk mushrooms, step-by-step photos and detailed instructions will not make a mistake.
Cooking process
We sort out the milk mushrooms from random debris, clean them from surface contamination. If there are places that cannot be cleaned, it is better to simply cut them off. Then we thoroughly wash the mushrooms in a large amount of water. You can use a toothbrush to get the best cleaning results. We place the washed milk mushrooms in a bowl of a suitable volume and fill it with cold water. We leave them to soak for twelve hours. During this time, you need to change the water a couple of times.
To prepare the brine, bring the specified volume of water to a boil and add salt, allspice peas and bay leaves. Boil for one minute and remove from the stove. Wash the jar and lid and sterilize it in any convenient way. Put pieces of peeled garlic and dill umbrellas at the bottom of the jar. Put the prepared milk mushrooms on top. Fill them with hot brine and cover them loosely. Cool the rest of the brine and store in the refrigerator. We leave the mushrooms in a jar at room temperature overnight. And in the morning we add the remaining brine to the jar, since some of it will be absorbed into the mushrooms. We close the milk mushrooms with a lid and put them in the refrigerator or cold cellar. After three to four weeks, the mushrooms will be salted and ready to eat.
Bon Appetit!