Strawberry jelly with zhelfix for the winter
Calorie content
154 kcal
1 l.
Cooking time
10 min.
Proteins *
0.6 g
Fats *
0.3 g
37.6 gr.
The addition of zhelfix is guaranteed to thicken - any jam, jelly, jam will turn out thick and dense. Let's make strawberry jelly this way. Already when heating strawberry raw materials with gelatin, it will be seen how the mass thickens. After boiling and subsequent cooling, the jelly hardens very well.
Cooking process
Put the washed berries on a clean towel and let them dry. Then we puree the berries with a submersible blender. In a separate container, mix jellix and two tablespoons of granulated sugar from the total. Pour the resulting dry mixture into the strawberry puree, mix thoroughly and put on the stove. With constant stirring, bring to a boil.
Bon Appetit!